We create added value.

There is no question about it: quality comes at a price. However, to create maximum added value for you, we do not focus solely on the output but dedicate a great deal of energy towards optimising processes and minimising complexity.

We therefore manage your projects with maximum efficiency by:

  • Reducing non-quality-related costs
  • Optimising administration costs
  • Maximum cost transparency and targeted cost control
  • Detailed cost evaluation

We avoid hidden costs.

Thanks to our many years of experience in the processing of some ultra-complex projects, we are able to reduce in advance the steps involved in the process, optimise the individual workflow, accelerate translation processes and, at the same time, minimise your costs.

This is due to:

  • Fixed prices: No surcharges or hidden one-off project costs.
  • Direct access: Access to translation services is facilitated by standardisation by the use of a company-wide portal and the inputting of meta data that is needed minimises the time and effort devoted to queries.
  • Fixed contact person: The time involved in communication is reduced, resulting in enhanced transfer of knowledge and expertise.
  • Standard translators: The number of queries is minimised and a consistent style of language is guaranteed thanks to the continuous transfer of knowledge.
  • Automation: Manual work is significantly reduced, for instance by interfaces to preliminary systems.
  • Individualisation: We adapt to our client's requirements in relation to the sending of quotations, form, content, level of detail and interval for invoices (for example collective invoices) in order to keep down the cost of bureaucratic work.

Higher quality - Lower costs.

We aim to optimise the overall cost without compromising on quality and, in many cases, even manage to improve the quality of the translations.

The combination of optimised processes and the use of professionally configured software allows fast, cost-effective processing of your projects.

This is due to:

  • Authoring support systems: These can save a great deal of time when producing the source document prior to translation.
  • Translation memory systems: The use of these systems is now standard. We ensure maximum hit rates by optimum configuration and data management.
  • Terminology research on the client's intranet: Makes available specialist terminology and enhances cooperation in international companies.
  • Optimum workflow: This defines in detail which operational steps are required to achieve the desired result and who should perform them.

For outstanding cooperation.

Our business is based on trust which is why we attach such importance to the traceable and transparent documentation of all of our processes.

We aim for complete transparency of all our services from scheduling and cost estimation to quoting and invoicing.

You will receive detailed customer control assessments in order to verify improvements made and identify potential for new savings.